Выигранные дела по банкротству физических лиц

Дело о банкротстве физического лица №А40-210154/2020

Смотреть дело в системе «Электронное правосудие»

Регион: Москва

Длительность: 02.11.20 → 14 мес. → 20.01.22

Кредиторы: Тинькофф Банк, Альфабанк, Совкомбанк, Кредит Европа Банк, Интерпромбанк

Списано долгов: 902 501 ₽

Судебный акт об освобождении от долгов

Юристы сопровождавшие дело

Донсков Дмитрий

Донсков Дмитрий

Генеральный директор стаж более 18 лет
Баяндин Михаил

Баяндин Михаил

Руководитель офиса в г. Москва (пер. Гамсоновский)


Arbitrage Court of the City of Moscow has once again delivered a success story for a client of ДОЛГАМ.НЕТ. In a case marked № А40-210154/20-179-331Ф, the court recognized the bankruptcy of a debtor and brought the procedure to a happy conclusion for our client.

This case, supervised by Judge Korshunov P.N., involved the debtor seeking bankruptcy relief due to their inability to meet financial obligations. The procedure was thorough and meticulous, with Financial Manager O.A. playing an instrumental role. From February 6, 2021, key reports and notices were published in "Kommersant". It's noteworthy that all the steps taken were in strict adherence to the Federal Law on Bankruptcy, ensuring full transparency and compliance.

The financial manager took diligent measures to locate and identify any assets of the debtor. Despite exhaustive investigations, no tangible assets, such as real estate or vehicles, were found. Comprehensive audits revealed no hidden funds or involvement of the debtor in any other business activities. The debtor's financial state was scrutinized, and no signs of false or deliberate bankruptcy were detected.

This detailed procedure culminated on January 20, 2022, when the court ordered the termination of the asset realization process. The court emphasized that there were no grounds to deny the debtor debt relief, further underlining that all legal requirements had been thoroughly met by the financial manager.

The ruling underscored that creditors' claims related to ongoing payments, compensations for damages, wages, moral damages, or alimony remain valid and enforceable after the bankruptcy proceedings conclude. However, claims not asserted during the restructuring or asset realization phases would be deemed settled.

In this case, the financial manager's remuneration of 25,000 rubles was approved, with the amount to be paid from the court's deposit. This demonstrates the rigorous process endured and concluded in favor of our client, adhering to all legal norms and ensuring that justice was served.

ДОЛГАМ.НЕТ continues to pride itself on such successful outcomes, reinforcing our commitment to helping clients navigate through financial turmoil with transparency, integrity, and expertise. Another client has been liberated from the weight of insurmountable debt, thanks to the meticulous work of our team and the resolute decisions of the court.


Регион: Москва

Дело № А40-182597/2023

Списано 1 271 796 ₽

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Ознакомтесь c другими нашими выигранными делами

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Регион: Москва
Длительность: 9 мес.
Количество кредиторов: 1
Списано долгов: 2 357 312 ₽
Дело завершено
Регион: Москва
Длительность: 10 мес.
Количество кредиторов: 5
Списано долгов: 1 910 343 ₽
Дело завершено
Регион: Москва
Длительность: 12 мес.
Количество кредиторов: 27
Списано долгов: 2 406 973 ₽
Посмотреть еще 3595 выигранных дел
Кредиторы - физические лица, зачастую, принимаются более активное участие в делах о банкротстве. Их наличие в составе кредиторов может существенно затянуть и усложнить дело.